5 Reasons To Embark On A Cross-Country Road Trip

Driving across the USA to and fro, and living on the road in our space–weight optimized backpacking tent for two weeks has changed my perspective in ways more than one. Based on my insights from our cross-country road trip, here are 5 reasons to inspire such an undertaking.

  1. Unleash your creativity and explore new avenues. There is something about being on the road and in new places that frees you from the boundaries that you set for yourself in your day to day life. You begin to look at possibilities without being shackled down by the numerous day-to-day bothers that tend to consume your everyday life. You are a lot more alive to new opportunities and possibilities. I came back home having accepted a job offer and it was not an easy decision. And this is not the first time Paul and I have made a significant life decision over a road trip.

  2. Build the mental courage to do difficult things. You are bound to come across uncomfortable scenarios when you elect to embark on such a trip. We were living in a tiny tent at sub zero temperatures with no access to running water or a shower for multiple days at a stretch for the very first time. There was discomfort for sure but our comfort with discomfort increased with every passing day. It is like a muscle that you can train and if you don’t train it often enough you lose that ability. Call it courage or mental toughness but I believe that is what enables you to push yourself hard and embark on difficult missions. Putting yourself in these uncomfortable situations helps to build that faculty.

  3. View the world through a new lens. Your view of the world is never going to be the same again. For instance, my perception of distance changed drastically after the road trip. Paul and I have always done 10–12 hour road trips without a thought. But we did consider anything more as rather long. After our road trip, we find that our range has expanded a lot more. People, food, culture… there are so many realms to explore… so many perspectives to change.

  4. Stare long and hard at the best mirror. The world is the best mirror to take a good, long look at yourself. Putting yourself in new scenarios, among unknown people and amidst unfamiliar culture reveals a lot about yourself. Are you consistently running into impolite people or finding yourself in compromised situations? Sure, when you throw yourself out of your comfort zone and court new experiences you are bound to get a variety but if you start seeing a pattern, then maybe it tells you something about yourself?

  5. Rediscover the joy of simple living and earn your freedom. You realize how little you need to be truly happy. For those two weeks, it was just us, our car and whatever the car could hold. Sure, this might be an over simplification and to make such a life sustainable would be a totally different endeavor. But I guarantee that you will find a new appreciation for every small comfort that you have at home. It is a good reminder that you have a lot more than you need, you don’t have to constantly upgrade your life, there is a way to live well below your means and enjoy greater freedom.

I hope that is inspiration enough to start planning a road trip of your own. I’d love to hear of your experiences and what you discover.

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